synergy of elements
Controllable flaming objects — played out affectionately, enchantingly, thrillingly, pleasantly, excitingly and lively — fire dresses of harmonical natural materials.Dressed fire in synergy of elements, our overall concept for realising our personal imaginations.
Drug for the eyes with feel-good character
For the viewer this emotionally expressive element becomes a source of energy. Fire gives not only light and warmth, it is also activating, regenerating and ratcheting. Fire, the activator of the senses — the echo of primitive times.
Fire, our creative element for emotions.
Cocoon for shape at its very best
Flexible and integrable, living dynamic you can touch, body and coat for a fire world and flame wights — whether indoor or outdoor, whether high quality steel, brass, copper, gold, silver, diamond or ruby — personal favourites, the practicability and the compilation are deciding.
Metal, “hot couture” for the individual style.
Metal, our forming element for beauty.
Balance with finesse
Inspiring and relaxing at the same time. A cleaning and reassessing power for everything unbalanced. Floating in its move and smoothing for some wave of fire — to equalize the unequal is a mere child’s play — well received as a supplementary accessoire. Water, a fount of clarity, wherever it is possible..
Water, our balancing element for clearness.
Vibes of liveliness
Felxible and flammable, soothing and balancing as a crackling body,
Convertible as a nutriment in the sea of flames, a raw material of the old and modern times.
Wood, the condition for passion.
Wood, our harmonizing element of desire.
Symbol for steadiness
Guarantor for life, stabilising donator of energy.
terra is gas, protected by a protective coat, covered and invisible, nutrition and energy for everything that flames. The reason for sparkling eyes and director for every scene.
Natural gas, a fluid for ecstasy.
Terra, our powering element for charisma.