spreitzer (f) collection
Gas Patio heaters

Warming up — if you use one or more gas patio heaters as heater for the terrace or garden the next open-air party will be as comfortable as in summer. Languorous warmth surrounds you. Highly recommendable for exhibitions and fairs, sales booths and information booths, for street cafés and beer gardens – your guests will appreciate the adjustable and regulable temperature around them.

Heating up — whether standard or individual design, this kind of warmth causes public attraction.contact



Gas Patio Heater
Robust, manually adjustable, elegant and made of precious material. Our example for mobile Gas Piato Heaters of high quality steel. Well-being for hours spread by the orbital reflecting shield. Approx. 2 ms tall, powered by liquid gas – there by independent from electricity, soundless and economical in its consumption.



Special Gas Patio Heater and exclusive outdoor heating
A graceful designed and mobile "comforting blanket" with an adjustable slim shape – a fireplace with a perfect flame. An extravagant way of spreading warmth – high quality steel becomes gemstone – “finally warm feet and hands” – Women will love this form of sun.